
Environmental Policy
Suksomboon Group is a large scale palm oil producer who is committed to bringing environmental sustainability management into each and every process and operations, aiming to effectively improve and engage as follows:
Conduct its manufacturing in accordance to the environmental laws and regulations as its basic principle.
Foster and support its employee to be environmentally and safety conscious in their operations by providing communication and training.
Utilize manufacturing technology, resource and energy effectively and efficiently to maximize its product quantity and quality with zero environmental effects or the very least.
Continually achieving environmental development by setting and revising its framework to succeed its goals and objectives with optimization and efficiency.
Committed to reducing waste with the application of 3Rs principle : Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
Sustain the environment with the aim of preventing pollution effects and solving problems at the root causes. Our company policy is to be disclosed to the public as a mutual benefit to environmental sustainability management.